v2.1.4 (2/5/2024)
- The links to flopzilla.com needed to be adjusted.
v2.1.3 (29/4/2024)
- Added French as a language
- When importing predef ranges, a backup of the current ranges is created
- Now displaying slot number under “register”
- Bugfixes and small changes
v2.1.2 (22/12/2023)
- Bugfixes and small changes
v2.1.1 (16/11/2023)
- Mousing over a group will show that group in the matrix
- When working on a grouped range in the preflop matrix, a range composition popup is shown
- When using the "Random" button, when preflop subset is used, the random flops will be drawn from that subset
- Some additional import formats for preflop ranges
- Some format additions for importing ranges
- More specific instructions for importing newdefs files
- Bugfixes and small changes
v2.1.0 (20/10/2022)
- Bugfix
v2.0.9 (14/10/2022)
- When mousing over grouped ranges, the distribution is now shown.
- Displaying combos and percentage in case of Ctrl and Shift in mouseover.
- Can now import monker/pio ranges
- New file/directory selection functions.
- Several smallish changes and bugfixes
v2.0.8 (19/4/2022)
- Added Spanish as language.
- Predef menu can now be enlarged further.
- If default font is not present, a different font is used.
- Other changes and bugfixes
v2.0.7 (22/2/2022)
- Added CTRL, SHIFT and CTRL+SHIFT to predef menu
- Added Russian language files
- Added Chinese language files
- Added Spanish as output language. Language files are still being processed.
- Code changes to account for certain words taking up more space
- Other changes and bugfixes
v2.0.6 (21/1/2022)
- Added Russian and Chinese language output. Looking for translators.
- Added bunching. Basically, a range can now be considered as being drawn from the deck, but dead.
- Added ability to convert preflop range from a few new external formats.
- Added "Settings->Dark mode" option.
- When exporting to GTO+, now correcting for board cards.
- Other changes and bugfixes
v2.0.5 (17/11/2021)
- Ability to set custom night mode strength.
- Other changes and bugfixes
v2.0.4 (8/5/2020)
- Small changes and bugfixes
v2.0.3 (11/3/2020)
- Multiline input now possible for edit box
- CTRL can now be used for preflop groups
- Added code approach for installing ranges and downloading files
- Added lines to equity graph
- Other changes and bugfixes
v2.0.2 (12/11/2019)
- Preflop groups can now be split into multiple groups (manual).
- Added option for custom naming of preflop groups (manual).
- Added option to invert postflop ranges.
- Added ability to add notes (Alt+N).
- Pressing CTRL while mousing over preflop matrix will display filtered postflop range (only in case postflop filters are ON).
- Other changes and bugfixes
- Smallish changes and bugfixes
- First release