Creating custom stats
Your custom settings are stored in /config/custom.txt.
If you ever want to restore your customization settings to default, then delete this file.
Other than that, please note that customization of stats is a very advanced feature, so please treat it carefully.
In the postflop phase, it's possible to combine existing stats into new ones.
To access the customization tool, enter a flop and click on the "customization" icon.
The customization menu will come up.
In its upper right it will contain operators, most notibly AND, OR and NOT (1).
The currently available stats are displayed to the left (2 and 3).
These stats can be dragged into the operators.
Should you need to use the same operator multiple times, then move (5) it to the buffer (6) once it's full.
Once you have created your custom operator, click on (4) to save it to your combined stats (7).
If at any point during construction you want to see the contents of an operator, mouse over it.
After creating your own custom stat, it's possible that you want to use it by default (when starting a new file or when restarting the software).
For this, click on the "Options" icon in the menu.
There click on "Store current filter settings as default" so that your new custom settings are now always used.